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LazyLoad is a fast, lightweight and flexible script that speeds up your web application by loading images only as they enter the viewport. LazyLoad supports responsive images.


Version 16 to 17

If you were NOT setting the elements_selector option

You should add the lazy class to your lazy images.

<!-- FROM -->
<img data-src="lazyImage.jpg" alt="Lazy image" />
<!-- TO -->
<img class="lazy" data-src="lazyImage.jpg" alt="Lazy image" />

ALTERNATIVELY, you could set the elements_selector option to "img"

const myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
  /* other options here */
  elements_selector: "img" // ADD THIS OPTION

If you were using cancel_on_exit: true

// From
const myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
  /* other options here */
  cancel_on_exit: true // REMOVE THIS OPTION

You should remove cancel_on_exit: true from the settings.

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Version 15 to 16

If you were using the callback_reveal callback

You should replace callback_reveal with callback_loading in your JS code.

If you were using the instance load(element) method

You should replace the load(element) with LazyLoad.load(element, settings)

const myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
  /* options here */
// TO
LazyLoad.load(element, {
  /* options here */

Note that the settings object of the load method can be different. If none are provided, the default options will apply.

If you were using auto_unobserve: false

You should replace auto_unobserve with unobserve_completed.

const myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
  // FROM
  auto_unobserve: false,
  // TO
  unobserve_completed: false

If you were using the load_delay option

You should change load_delay: ___ with cancel_on_exit: true.

const myLazyLoad = new LazyLoad({
  // FROM
  load_delay: 300,
  // TO
  cancel_on_exit: true

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Version 14 to 15

If you have background images loaded via data-src

You should replace data-src with data-bg in your markup/DOM

<!-- FROM -->
<div data-src="background.jpg">...</div>
<!-- TO -->
<div data-bg="background.jpg">...</div>

ALTERNATIVELY, you could pass src in the data_bg option

new LazyLoad({
  /* other options here */
  data_bg: "src"

If you have single background images loaded via data-bg

You must remove the url() part from the data-bg attribute values

<!-- FROM -->
<div data-bg="url(background.jpg)">...</div>
<!-- TO -->
<div data-bg="background.jpg">...</div>

If you have multipe background images loaded via data-bg

You must change the attribute to data-bg-multi

<!-- FROM -->
<div data-bg="url(background1.jpg), url(background2.jpg)">...</div>
<!-- TO -->
<div data-bg-multi="url(background1.jpg), url(background2.jpg)">...</div>

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Version 13 to 14

If you are using callback_reveal

You should replace it to callback_loading. callback_reveal still works but it will be removed in next versions

new LazyLoad({ /* other options? */ callback_reveal: () => {} });
// TO
new LazyLoad({ /* other options? */ callback_loading: () => {} });

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Version 12 to 13

If you are using callback_set

You should replace it to callback_reveal. callback_set still works but it will be removed in next versions

new LazyLoad({ /* other options? */ callback_set: () => {} });
// TO
new LazyLoad({ /* other options? */ callback_reveal: () => {} });